Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy to be 21!

Yep! I turned 21 last month (which makes this post very late). Well, nothing really big was planned for my 21st birthday. There was just a small late lunch/merienda/early dinner that happened. 

Anyways, I started the day very late. I think it was around 10 or 11 AM when I woke up. Had to do a lot of things before the small party.I had an outfit in mind the night before but when I tried it out, it didn't look good. So I changed a lot of times. I should have tried out outfits the night before, but the lazy bug bit me. So here's what I wore to the party. (I'm sorry for the quality of the photos. It was night already when I took the pictures and I don't have good lighting.)
(I need to work on my posture. ^_^)

So, the small party started at 2PM (I'm so sorry for the people who came early because I said 1PM). We just ate and had a lot of chitchat. We also played "Pinoy Henyo" game courtesy of my phone. Yeah, that's all that happened on the small party.

This little girl said it was her birthday too. Sooo cute!

With one of my college friends and my longest dutymate and blockmate.

With my highschool barkada and two of my college friends.

 Was with my mother, brothers, cousins and family friends as well. :)

 And presenting my BFF/"manager". She was with me the whole day. She also accompanied me to the church to light some candles.

I had fun on my birthday. Thank you for all who came to the party and greeted me. :D 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Series that I Miss

Once again it's that time of the year when my favorite series goes to months of hiatus. I was watching four series, eager to see the next episode after another and then I realized that all of the series would soon end. So here I am now, bored and waiting for my favorite series to come back this fall (September/October I guess).

Once Upon a Time

I just love how this series twisted the stories of the fairytales. My favorite twist was that of the story of Red Riding Hood.

So it ended with the curse being broken by Emma Swan (Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter) and Rumplestiltskin/ Mr. Gold using the magic of love to bring them back to the land where magic exists.

I'm so excited to see what other stories are being "twisted" and what Regina is up to.


Yes,  I like this series as well. What I love about this series is the drama and the schemes. 

Emily Thorne/ Amanda Clarke has such brilliant ways to get revenge and somehow I would never really guess how she did some of the schemes. :)

Anyways, I haven't really watched the last episode. I would but then my laptop's charger died so I can't use my laptop until I buy a new charger. :(

Gossip Girl

Every girl's favorite is also my favorite. What I absolutely love about this series is their intense drama and their awesome wardrobe. :)

At first, I watched this series because I just love the character of Blake Lively. But then as the latest season closed I am starting to love more the character of Leighton Meester, I mean who could not resist to follow Blaire and Chuck's relationship.

Grey's Anatomy

Ahh, my all time favorite. Watched season 1-8 twice already. :)

I super duper love this series as it has drama, love and medicine. Every episode is worth seeing. My favorite episode for the season 8 was the If/Then episode, where Meredith dreams of an alternate reality where she is happy and not dark and twisty. It was a laugh how every turned out to be and it was delightful to see that even though the changes what was destined to be would really happen.

On the other hand, the ending was not a delight for me and that is because Lexie Grey died. :(

Anyways, I am so excited too see the next season and to know whether or not all the remaining doctors would survive the crash (I've read somewhere that there is another doctor who will die at the start of season 9, I hope it's not true). 

P.S. Have you seen Sandra Oh (Cristina Yang) on movies? I have..

Meet Vice Principal Gupta on Princess Diaries

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It's my first time to post and I'm going to talk about one of the things that I am interested now. And that is taking pictures. 

I got my camera, well, last year. Never pursued it because of my course. Busy as a bee I was and now that I finished college, I have a lot of free time. I took lessons last month and it was a blast. Well, here are the pictures that I took.

So, how did I do? :)